the shop is stocked: oversized ruler growth charts

i just realized that i’ve never really talked about my job on here (except for the interior designs i’ve shown you from various client’s homes).

it’s hard for me to define my job, since i have a few i work on.

my most important”job” (if you can call it that) is being the mommy to this sweet boy.


but, when i’m not playing firetrucks or baseball in the backyard,


you can usually find me working on one of these in my garage.


and they come in three fun colors: 1.) Old American 2.) Weathered Grey 3.) Special Walnut

they’re great for charting the growth of your family, giving as a gift for a baby shower, a house warming gift, or even just a piece of art for your walls.

the best part, is if you move homes or decide to paint the door jams, it comes with you and the markings last forever.

and with Christmas coming up, i thought i’d make it really easy and give you the link where you can get some shopping done! 😉

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happy measuring, friends! xoxo

house tour tuesday: the vintage schoolhouse

it seems only fitting, right?

that this vintage loving mama, would send her child to a school that is vintage infused.


maybe it was the Pinterest inspired wreath on the door that first caught my eye.


or the old doors with original doorknobs.


or the cast iron bench with perfectly weathered wood and adorable little pillows.


no, no, maybe it was the old furniture they used for the sign-in area.


as if that wasn’t enough, when i walked through the door of the classroom…


i was greeted with old original chalkboards with old wood trim.


and burlap(!)


lots and lots of burlap! (how could we go wrong?)


then the little kid vintage furniture hit me,


lot and lots of vintage kid school furniture. (i nearly fainted)


but, then i noticed something more.


something beyond the old doors, burlap, and vintage furniture.


i noticed the creativity happening.


the wonderful way, in which, the school was teaching the kids,


how to learn all the things around them in the world.


there were no worksheets.


or sit-down-and-listen-to-this-lesson kind of activities.


nope. not at all.


it was all just old fashioned fun.


hands on learning.


with real life tools,


and real life experiences.


so, the children can learn and grow,


and see how things work,


or hear how they sound,


and play while doing it.


so, while i love all the vintage stuff this little schoolhouse has.


i really love the experience it gives my son.


and the message it is teaching him about the world we live in.

of course, it also helps that it has one of the best teachers ever! (we love you Mrs. W) and one of the best preschool directors ever (you, too, Mrs. R)

so, if you’re looking for a cute, creative, vintage, hands-on-learning, fun preschool….go check out this one in Old Towne Orange.

and hey, tell them the furniture finder sent ya! 😉

house tour tuesday: our son’s room

hi friends!!

hope ya’ll are having a great week.

i am now healthy and well from walking pneumonia and back in the game of getting stuff done.

in fact, i think my meds worked so well, they transferred some sort of energy ball serum into my blood that made me go a little crazy with finishing up my son’s room. it’s  been the one area of our house that never really seemed pulled together. perhaps it was the stage of going from a nursery to a big boy’s room that always felt a little unfinished.

well, now it feels done (or at least for now. considering i just did a post about the antler dream catcher above his bed, that has already been moved. i was having nightmares that he was going to get stabbed by an antler in the middle of the night. it had to move).

wanna take a look?

come on….i know you’re just a wee bit curious about where the antlers moved to.



or what is now above his bed.



it’s not nearly as exciting as giant antlers.


but, the thought of a paper garland accidentally floating down and plopping on my son’s face is easier to handle than an antler stab.



see that bedding? that’s what started the ball rolling with getting our boy’s room done.


or maybe it was his bed guard that my hubby decided it would be a good idea to use as a seat and snapped it in half (the one in the pic is an extra we had at our family cabin. i’m kinda liking the back up one better. my mom and i found this old gem at a garage sale up in the mountains).


well, after buying the bedding at Ikea and an ice cream cone (it’s an essential staple when we go), i realized on our way home that i forgot to pick up one of those cute little book shelves that everyone has pinned on Pinterest. ya know what i’m talking about? i really wanted one for our boy for two reasons: 1.) they’re cute and 2.) i’m hoping that he’ll wake up on a Saturday morning and get distracted by a book and we’ll get an extra twenty minutes to sleep in.

wishful thinking?

maybe. but worth a shot, huh?


i remembered i had an old broken drawer in the garage that i might be able to use as a shelf.

it worked. i’m jazzed.


i’m also jazzed that his antlers found a safe home, on a wall with no cute sleeping child underneath.


speaking of home. have you seen the Finding Fall Home Tours going on right now?


you’re not going to want to miss it.


it has some major decorating eye candy.



and some great ideas to make your home feel like Fall (especially for us Californians. we need all the help we can get with this 90 degree weather).


so, go check it out.


and then ask them if i can play along, too, next year! 😉

what about you? are you ready for Fall?

antler dream catcher

i can’t believe i actually have antlers in my house.

i’m sure there was a day that if you told me i would want antlers on my wall, i would have given you a raised eyebrow.

well, sometimes i fall into the trends (i resisted the chevron pattern, so i’m feeling okay about the antlers). 😉

i scored some antlers at the Long Beach Flea a few months back and  decided to paint them and make them into a dream catcher for my son’s room.


first I taped off the tips and painted them gold and then painted the rest of the antlers white. then i got a wood slice from Michaels to mount it and finished it off with a piece of burlap.


once that was completed, we sat down as a family (well, my son didn’t really sit down….more like did hand stands in our big chair) and we talked about what our dreams are for him.

we have many dreams for him: to see the world, to be happy, to be purposeful in what he does,


to be a caring person, and most importantly, a man of God.


our boy would throw out some dreams every so often: go on an airplane, or a helicopter, be a policeman.


one dream  of his that is huge (and verging obsessive) is to be a fireman, so that was added to his dream catcher.


it was a fun little project and i’m sure we’ll be adding more dreams on as time goes by.


hope all your dreams come true, sweet boy. mommy and daddy love you tons! xo

house tour tuesday: the simple life

there was something about this house that took me back.

back into time. a time in which i’ve never lived, but have dreamed of experiencing.


when things seemed a bit more simple.


and life wasn’t as fussy.


when families ate together around the table.


and children played with toys that were carefully made by a craftsman.


when making a pot of hot water took longer than pushing a few buttons on a machine.


now, don’t get me wrong when i say the word simple. i don’t at all mean it to be plain.


it’s a life, a world, filled with richness.


and beauty all around.


it doesn’t hold a monetary value.


but a value that fills up the soul.


like a few hours of solitude under the shade of a tree.


i long for these things. these simple pleasures in life.


where the squeak of an old door means you have a visitor, instead of something that needs fixing.


where neighbors randomly drop by to give you some giant spools because they know you’re crafty and can repurpose them into something great (and yes, this actually happened while i was there. it was awesome and so are those!).


yup. it’s the simple things that make my heart skip a beat.

and help me to just sit back and enjoy the view.

as simple as it may be.

(thank you, R family for giving me a glimpse into your home and your lives. what a beautiful life it is, full of blessings and goodness!)

diy: under bed storage

is it just me or do toys seem to reproduce in the night?

seriously, i go to bed with a semi-clean house and wake up and there are legos and toy cars and puzzle pieces everywhere! i am constantly rearranging/reorganizing toys to better fit them into our small space.

when i made this project, i didn’t actually have my son’s room in mind. i was just thinking it would be a cool thing to sell at my vintage sale.


well, i had a few lookers, but it didn’t sell and i’m kind of glad because it fits perfect in my boy’s room.


here it is before:


i cleaned the inside and out and then painted the front with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint ‘Old White’ because that’s what i had on hand. then i add some black and white wrapping paper to the inside and some casters to the bottom from our garage that were left over from a diy gone bad. considering, i got this piece from a free pile from a neighbor’s yard sale (it was pulled out of an old craftsman in the neighborhood), and i only bought the wrapping paper, i think it cost me a total of $5. not too shabby! although i might go back and change the knobs….someday.


it fits perfect and my son has all of his favorite toys right at his level.


which means he can also help me clean them up. (hee hee) 😉

have a blessed week friends!


house tour tuesday: before and after and a WINNER!

i’m going to kind of cheat today because i’m feelin’ a bit under the weather. i took some great shots of a new house in the neighborhood that happens to be on one of the most spectacular streets in Old Towne Orange (especially during Christmas), but i’ll have to share those next week. instead, i have some before and afters of the rental property of the big yellow (in case you missed it, here’s part 1, part 2, part 3).

and just for fun, here’s some randomness:

1.) my son started preschool today. i think i shed a few tears when i got home because i can’t believe he’s old enough to go to school and because i can’t remember the last time i had three hours all to myself. it was amazing to be able to answer emails, do the dishes, have a complete thought, and work on rulers (that i am behind by a month. oiy. i’m working hard to get them all done and in the mail and to restock the cute lil’ shop that carries them in the Orange circle, Eikon Home (shameless plug, i know).

2.) as i start to get caught up with stuff, i am realizing the stuff that i let go to the wayside. one being the July Giveaway. so, i did a random number generator thanks to my brilliant neighbor (thanks, Casey!) who suggested assigning numbers to everyone’s email, instead of inputting each email into the generator to save time, and viola! we have a winner: if your email starts with the letter “K” check your inbox!

3.) it is hotter than heck. not complaining, just saying, it is H-O-T. if you follow me on instagram, then you might have seen that we borrowed the fountain at the local college to cool off. 🙂

Alrighty, onto the before and after of our next door neighbor’s big yellow rental.

(living room rental before)


(living room rental after)


(stairs before)


(stairs after)


(guest room rental before)


(guest room rental after)


(master bedroom rental before)


(master bedroom rental after)


(kitchen rental before)


i wish i could say i have a great after photo of the kitchen, but the crew was working so hard to complete the space before the new renter moved in. so, i’ll i have is a little shot of the cabinets, which were painted white and some new hardware was added.

(kitchen rental after)


here’s what the pulls looked like before. i found a bag of pulls and hinges in a free pile at a garage sale a few weeks back. i couldn’t help but snatch them up. i new they were classic and that i could use them for something (or in this case, pass them along to someone who could use them). it worked out great, because my neighbor just happened to mention that she needed some hinges to replace some of the old ones that weren’t working. i just happened to have a whole bag full that matched them exactly!

(kitchen rental pulls before)


(kitchen rental pulls after)


my neighbor just cleaned them up a little to make sure the patina still showed through on the brass and then lightly coated them with poly. i love how they look next to the freshly painted white cabinets!

not too bad for a mini makeover. paint and fresh flooring can go along way!

have a good week friends! off to make some tea and fight this cold!
